Update 1.3.0 - Anniversary Update: How many years now? Nobody knows!
As always, Nephesh: Truth Ultimatum - New chapters at the start of every month! You know know the drill... Things are starting to get interesting. Remember that crap in chapter 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, and like every subsequent chapter after? Yeah, that's rearing it's ugly head now.
Update - April First Update: Happy Anniversary! This is not a joke. This is my day to celebrate, so grab your confetti gun and try to act pleased about it.
It's been a busy day, patching together the last final pieces last minute. It's been 43 pages and 23,000 words this month, so I hope you're all bloody please about it.... I need a vacation.
======= Updates =======
- NEW! Bonus content: Unwritten stories Exhibit of my early works, backstories, how it came to be, and all the content that was moved over to current stories. (More coming next month)
- Update! Bonus Content: Nephesh, Original Concepts updated to chapter 26 (Coming April 2nd, that's tomorrow) I won't edit this after it's posted...
- News! Nephesh Truth Ultimatum Audiobook effort under way, because ain't nobody got time to read anymore - hosted on my youtube! (It's a fresh channel)
- Minor additions to Bonus Content page!
- ...
- Profit.
- Nope, still no donations button. (Yeah, that easter egg is still there.)
======= Plans =======
- Nephesh Audio Book narration. No release date, Subscribe to the channel for first notice
- Add site traffic counter.
- Start new project
- Fail to finish said project
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