Herosae Kitsune: Chapter 13 - Closing

Amber evening sun set in dark orange over the tower restaurant. A warming glow of light resonating mournfully reflected off the splintered remains and back up into the eyes. Irritating warmth that burned dim on cold skin and ravaged heart, when closed tears begged their warden freedom to play. All the beauty of the peaceful golden dusk perceived as a bitter cold resonance of a slap. Aera was beside her shattered dream. Tables were crushed, floor ripped and ravined with scarcely a lamp that hadn't been decimated. The golden dragon statue now laid to rest inside the watery grave of it's fountain prison and it's head peeking out of the torn wooden partition. Kitchen walls caved with door casing widened cracked beams. Black soot staining the ground where flame had cremated monster. The long lattice window now just a drafty window and a little bit longer. The fountain still bore water, surprisingly though it would not run, only leak. Her hot tub, blessed by it's soft fake squishing stone, left completely unscathed apart from it's gazebo now crippled.

A death of it's reminiscence, material shaken shambles, ghosts seeping out from the grains. The memories she sworn to honour. “Aera!” Sarephel called, her love idle as stone, fixed to the carnage. Her haste soon aside to wrap arms onto the shivering statue. “You're alright, aren't you?” But Aera wouldn't answer. Her breath slow but boldly healing breaths returned her words to herself once more


Holding tighter, Sarephel nuzzled into her partners neck. “Sorry for what?”

“Look at it...” Holding for the strength to not cry. “All the memories... Forgotten.” Breathing in to the mournful sob. “Every grain of wood that told a tale, as though for a moment I lived in those moments or was a part of them, gone... Forever...” Regaining her breath. “Just yesterday, I was looking at a piece of wood that looked like some kid had chewed. I thought it a shame that someone ruined the corner of that beautiful wood barrier but the more I thought on it the more it told a story and for a moment I wondered if it was you. All these memories that existed before me, surrounding me, inviting me into their family. And just when I started to really like this place. Like I began to belong, and then... This...”

Sarephel's eyes shown guiltily helpless, standing still with her love. “You want to see my teeth?... There over on that table.” Aera turning slowly to see. “I'd rest my head on it and gnaw the underside. It didn't taste all that good, so I'm not really sure why I did it.” Though turned over, along the wall, it was still intact. Staggering over, Aera slowly returned the table upright. One rocky edge underneath as she ran her fingers along it's rim. A shallow pleasure calling her heart back from the depths.

“And all the stories that were lost to this disaster?

Turning Aera to meet her. “You'll make new stories” Arms locked. Her hands firmly resting along the biceps. Sarephel's eyes looking deeply into the dreary songbird.

Chuckling bitterly unamused as she stepped in. “This is a story I wish I could forget.” Holding dearly, the feeling of Sarephel's comforting nod moving through their bodies. “I'm starting to think I should have become the sue chef instead... I'm joking.” Apathetically muttering her reassurance. “I wouldn't have to clean up the corpses of the past.” Dropping her weight, Sarephel sighed, looking wearily into the cold walls that yanked her lovers eyes away. Her arm dug in behind Aera, holding the bent beauty stable as she curled her girlfriend backwards over it with her own weight. “Sarephel, what are you doing?... Agh!” She shrieked, loosing her balance, and legs kicked out into Sarephe's arms. Holding them with her lifted knee, she reoriented Aera's legs into a better position, propping her girlfriend more comfortably. “Sarephel, please put me down.” Aera contested, “This isn't time for hitting on me.” Being walked along the rubble, avoiding the damaged floor and the shattered glass. “This is embarrassing!”

“Good.” Sarephel announced, the blinding golden sunlight trembling Aera's eye lids. Sarephel's warm smile glistening in the crawling light that revealed her nurturing tired eyes, still too bright to see. “Take a look at that.”

“I can't.”

“Well, when you can, it'd be good for you to look at something that isn't traumatizing because it's making you into a real downer.”

“Well I'm sorry!” Aera shot out. “I can't help it!” Arguing defensively, “You know what I went through, I'm no warrior, that shit scared the crap out of me, what do you expect!”

“Forget about the restaurant, your safe now and those things aren't coming back.”

“I can't forget about it...” Aera sobbed solemnly “Their gone... It... It's gone. Less than a week on duty and...”

Fed up, Sarephel interrupted. “You're not a warrior, stop taking responsibility like one.” Pouting, Aera shut up. A gaping wound in her pride bleeding out on her face. “You know,” Settling down, Sarephel joked grimly. “I could just drop you.” The drafty beyond blowing in from the setting lightbulb.

Catching the humour, Aera replied cockily. “But you'd still rescue me before I hit the ground, right?”

Sighing, her ears cocked behind her aside glance. “Unfortunately...”

“Why are you so pessimistic?!” Aera loosing her patience.

“You first...” The stumbled pride walking off on Aera. “It's not your job to take care of ungodly freaks.”

“I know”

“All you need to protect against is coffee stains and bar fights; abominations aren't in the insurance agreement. Look, the only one holding your blame is you, so stop defending your slavery to this coz it ain't your fault...” A hint of guilt glaring off her glistening glowing sun in eyes. “Not when coming here should have been the first thing that came to my mind.”

Reaching up, Aera's arms laced over, seated upon Sarephel's shoulders. “But the people.” She reminded. “Your job is to keep them safe.”

“You can't always save everything. You're safe, that's all I could ask for.”

Aera nodded silently, “And you...” Handling her misfortune, the mourning weather bantered seating and splinters resting latent as an irreversible consequence. Nothing more than petty squabbles. The bright blister of light pouring off the horizon dimmed, and a dark realm waving blood orange coalesced with the purple shaded forest green ocean across the lake. Dotted hillside home steads lit their evening lamps, with the prelude of the nights unwinding epilogue drafting in along the countryside. Lights showing up, frequently, gradually slowing down. “You were right,” Aera snuggled close, head dug droopy ears. “It'd just take a little while and I would find family here “I just wish the timing of all this was a little more convenient... There are a lot of things I'll never know after they repair the walls, and replace the furniture... What's it like on the other floors?”

“It depends, I've seen some places barely scratched, other places were completely eviscerated. They plan it'll take at least a week until all the floors are taken off auxiliary power. The wiring is pretty fried all over, it'll take them a while to get it back safe again. Clean up is working to... Mitigated the shock before bringing people out of their homes. It's kind of morbid in some places.”

“Are you hurt?” Aera's voice echoing the returning nurture that drew Sarephel's gaze back down to her lovers ungated eyes.

“Not extensively. Medical checked me over,” Her ears tilting to one side. “I'm actually just avoiding the check up right now coz they'll take like an hour poking me with an assortment of stupid implements. I'd rather be spending this hour with you.”

“You should get checked out either way.”

“I will, I guess... I'm fine for now. I'm more worried about Kaunzi though. When I asked her what happened out there, she immediately disconnected her comms. Garath said when she entered command that she looked pretty distraught, and that she fended off the medical personal from even examining her by sword point. I know that she doesn't take anyone's crap when she doesn't want to, but this is odd for her.”

“I can't imagine what you two had to go through out there.”

“It's been a long day” Lounging against the side beam refixing Aera along the railing. “I'd tell you more but I'd rather just forget about it for right now. Besides, this is much better to look at.”

“You can tell me whenever, but it does make me curious.”

“I know we talk about it but, it's hard to imagine that there is such a vast world out there. I bet not a single person was aware that we were under a crisis. I wonder what they think of us when they see this massive monolith... I wonder about it, even as I live in it. There are so many things that I refuse to believe but to others it is a reality. They truly believe these things and I wonder if they are aware that they fed themselves someone else's lie or I can if I'm aware that I deny the fact blindly. I think for the first time, Camine told me the truth because he knew it would hurt me but I think I can accept it... It's that or I'd let him win. In my victory of emotion, I have lost part of my heart.”

“I don't understand.”

“It's true, I guess but it's not my fault.” Reconsidering her words. “I suppose, I just gave into their head game...” Shaking her soliloquy aside, “It's nothing. I just need someone to hear me.”

“I'm listening, you had a hard day.”

“Yeah, I should drop it. It's too nice of an ev...”

“No... I'm here to hold you, you can tell me.” Aera assured. “I'd rather you get it off your chest now than run away from it until later.”

“You sure you can take my baggage? It's a lot to take in. I'd rather burden someone who can handle it.”

“Your burden is my burden, whether or not you tell me

A sum of tension noticeably dropped, and guiltily Sarephel's voice conformed, a single gleam resonated on her lips. The open drain beginning to pour. “I'm just wondering if I've been wrong all this time about something. All this training and conditioning to be the guard that I am, if that pride has undermined me. If I was victim to my own head game.”

“What kind of game is that?”

“The one that is more fun to look at. One that I have control on. It's no fun when your wrong, but it's no fun being right about what you hate.” Bitterly press on her lips, a phase of gangling chain slipped off the shoulders. A tempting serpent in her gut slithered in to fill the gap but her smile fell in it's place, relieving the duty of her burden. “I don't have the answer yet, I'm just thinking... And I think I've picked the answer I liked best until now, knowing I could defend it, and not prove it.”

Rolling her head against Sarephel's side. “Where is this?” Her hand clasping in on her love's, a sympathetic hint of compassion from her tongue.

“I think a few places” the sun dimming on their balcony, the mountain almost completely consuming the light. Sarephel's eyes gazed out to catch the last glimpses of it's fiery crawl. “I suppose maybe with us, but I'm opt to believe that's a different problem.”


“Like when I think I know best after screwing up. Kauzi would like me to believe that I need a new occupation, I'm not really sure what to make of it.” A round of careless footsteps playing in behind them.

“But she's your big sister,” Aera assured, “Of course she's going to big sister you and be a know it all.” Ignoring the noises, her ears twitching away.

Aera's staff, blundering in the background “Holy shit they ransacked this place harder than I thought.” Kayli uttered.

“I think more likely that when I'd get upset as a kid, cursing to the world how unfair it was, hypocritically because I didn't have my way... Holding onto that as I grew up, with louder guns and bigger sticks.” A loud thud wobbling in the distance. “ I gave some people a lot of credit, people that caused this mess... That's a long story about the past that I'm not all that up on understanding myself.”

“So what happened? Have you figured it...” The table falling in the back, landing wickedly on Aera's backbone. “Let me have a damned romantic moment, or I'll cut your freaking dick off with the finger hatchet!”

Shooting back, “Here's the damn coffee you asked for!” Kayli cursed.

“Rough times, huh?” Rhetorically, Sarephel commented, eyeing the distraught waitress. “So what was that about?”

“Everyone went home after they called off the alert, Kayli actually asked me if I wanted something for once in her life... Well. she went back to the apartment considering someone broke every glass ornament in the kitchen, including the coffee maker.” A glaze of confusion bouncing duncely off Sarephel's face as Aera dipped into her mug, eyes locked above. “When you busted in.” Aera choked, blissfully hiding the flush reminiscence of her hero.

Cockily Sarephel took it in. “You liked that didn't you. I'll do it again some time. Like the first time we met” !* Place 5 lines of the backstory here instead? (Chap 10, page 100ish)

Toning back to the contentment of their evening, the lights growing brighter along the invisible shaded hills, Aera's mind pondered “What is it like, being outside.” Her eyes fixated and jotting slightly from node to node. Thoughts circling in her mind.

Merely estimating, Sarephel answered “Disconnected.” Pulling her first response forward, expressing her impressions farther. “It's not in the same sync, but I wonder if it's me.” Their hands connected. “They are welcoming, in a new way, and offsetting in the same. I've never mingled personally, but they are peculiar.”

“Like us?...” Aera remarked. Sarephel affirming, nodded slightly, a hint of relation calling her smile as they laid against the support of the railing. “You know, every day I've lived here, I've walked around. The shell of these walls lays so far from it's core and the light that peers in is so distant. I took windows for granted, like the wooden floor roof and pipelines was my sky. Whenever I look out, I often remember there is a world beyond the partition.” Scooting her sore rear from the uncomfortable thin edge that creased her.

“What's this about?” Helping Aera down.

Their arms locked, turning to both face the outer world “Even though I'm hurt... I am grateful.”

“It has been little over a week now” Father Herosae announced, “Since the horrible travesty struck us.” A projection of him and his stage cast on the wall behind him and among other areas of the tower where crowds gathered among the splintered bullet torn wood and chipped stone war fields. Eager for the answers. “It is with great shame that I should have to address you all today; for I feel for the children, and the parents, the loved ones that could not be saved. The guard who sacrificed themselves to protect our home. And the guilt, though unknowing to what extent this would take at the hands of a single mans pride... To have this happen, I feel a tremendous weight. You are no doubt curious, let alone eager to know what had become to arise such a malicious attack. It's time many of you knew what had been withheld from even my own father, by his father. Be assured, that as of the evening three days ago, the competent and efficient Stealth and Enforcement divisions very own Rhien, Leon, and Beralda have successfully cleaned all back roads. This brings us to the news surrounding a once valued community member, Twal J Degradon and his involvement in this matter...”

The speech ran on in the background. Seperated by a hall and a traditional set of curtain doors, Sarephel sat among her group of comrades. A conversation of the like reserving their division in the greenroom, the other higher ups to their own section. “You hear that? They're talking about us.” Beralda commented, joking “Maybe we should go out and wave at the audience while our old man's still rambling.”

“So this is our day, huh?” Kaunzi remarked holding a small cup of cloudy liquid.

“I guess” Replying blandly, Garath sprawling even deeper into his seat. “I'd just like it to be over with so I can close the file and go back to something better.”

“It's more just a formality for atonement to the citizen at this point. There isn't much worse for daddy than admitting when things have gone horribly wrong. As far as he's concerned, he just wants to make sure everyone understands what these secrets have done.”

Jumping in, “So he's being Fatherly again.” Tannor added.

“Roughly speaking...”

Waving in from the open hall, Sarephel's face lightened up. “I made it.” Aera announced, greeting the small group. “So, can you introduce me?”

Taking Aera's hand, still sitting in her chair, Sarephel opened “This is my sister, Kaunzi. Her partner, Tannor. And my partner...”

“So this is Garath...” Aera's thoughts ran off her tongue.

A nerve pulsed visibly as Garath's spine straightened up. “Alright, what have you been saying behind my damned back?”

“What is there to not say about him?” Tannor teased

“If you weren't hiding behind the master's private guard, I'd have some words for you.”

“I can beat both of your asses,” Kaunzi informed, returning to sip her tart syrup.

Sitting in her loves lap, Aera smiled humorously. “Is this what you work with?”

“No, their much less entertaining in the field.” Sarephel answered. Arms tightly holding her prize.

“Hold on.” Kaunzi informed. “I'm being called, you two keep it civil. I trust you to keep the peace in my absence.” Looking to Sarephel.

Garath turned to keep his peace, staring occasionally “So,” he spoke. “This is the lady that you are very honourable to...”

“Jealous?” Sarephel replied.

“You're damned right I am.” Bluntly shifting to sarcastic returning another remark. “What attracts you to a hardass like Sarephel anyway?”

Readjusting her leg weights, “As your lawyer, I advise you not to answer that question.” Sarephel answered equally as sarcastically teasing. “Well for one I got tits, and secondly my side iron fits a larger gauge than yours.”

“Are you two having another argument?” Aera butted in.

“Aww...” Kaunzi returned. “You two learned how to joke.”

Tannor smiling in the corner booth. “It's kind of cute, really... Like two baby veinlatchers trying to fight with their stubby legs.”

“Well, don't stop just because I'm here. Oh, Tannor, your call in five seconds.” Turning back to the kids “Please continue.” Garath refusing the invite to farther his banter.

A peculiar atmosphere managed to seep in. Though oddly present, the source escaped Aera as to what, turning her head around to the room's entirety. “What's up?” Sarephel asked, curiously intrigued by her loves squirming.

“I'm not sure.” For a moment her ears popped, a clear sound echoing through them. “It's just, oddly familiar.”

“What, are you having déjà vu?”

“No... People are happy; they talk so cheerfully about things that aren't very cheery. Joke about things that are serious. It's just... Kind of homely, like an extended family almost.”

“Why?” Kaunzi asked. “Because Tannor is probably talking smack about me on stage?

“Guilty as charged.” The devil spoke as he rolled in from on stage, taking his place beside her.

“You are such an ass”

“Yeah.” Admitting his dishonour freely.

Aera took a particular eye to him, questioning the odd sense that she felt; everyone else slowly fallowing in to the more presently peculiar setting. Almost speaking the question that no one really have the gull to usher. In the caught wind, Tannor rose to correct the elephant staring at him “There is nothing between us.” A brief shadow of doubt glazing over in the silent room.

“Kid...” Rhien remarked, “You had one chance, and ya blew it.” Breaking into a roar of laughter that his table followed suit, even Yura, and Beralda especially as he struggled to finish his water.

Aera's broad gleam widened creasing up with her perception. “Hm.” She deducted, the innocent truth showing face. “It's very homely.”

“Say,” Leon reminded. “Who's up next?”

“Not sure...” Beralda replied, pointing his frost nipped ear in disappointment. “Sounds like the old man is running on again, someone best walk out there and straighten his paperwork.”

“It's worst than that,” Kaunzi informed. “He's going off book today.”

“I trust you to bang some heads in my absence.” Sarephel requested, lifting her lap warmer as she risen, staggering numbed legs.

“I cannot express enough over how unfortunate all of this is.” Father Herosae continued. “Though now we've looked though the past documents and identified, the rumours of what are now the back roads should have been better handled and forwarded to inspection more promptly. This should not have taken so long to give the proper attention that it deserved. Even when I was younger, rumours of this would circulate around the academy, but and I admit I took ear, I never could confirm it when I investigated them myself.” Turning to visualize his peripheral sight. “And... Pardon me, Sarephel, my daughter...”

Pulling on the microphone, she lowered it to her lips. “Father, you're rambling again.” eliciting a small sum of desperately needed relief from the depressing reveal.

“I...” Patting himself, guiltily. “I suppose I am, aren't I... I suppose I should also release a more public disclosure for everyone in their leisure. I do apologize but while you are here, I want to continue with thanking you for your service...” Dalbah continued, awarding the veteran accomplishment of his family.

“Well?” Kaunzi inquired. “Can you still speak?”

Smiling silently, her Father answered rhetorically and then pouring his voice a refreshment, his diminished coarse tone whispered loudly. “A tad.” As he cleared his throat, loosing the grip on it. His voice now more audible but significantly weaker than it's normal strength. “This night is getting later and I still have another speech to make. On paper this time.”

Laid aside her, Sarephel combed though Aera's mane, relaxing the tired lass. Evening settled in, most the room left apart from Yura and the four along the booth who's civil differences settled them; apart form Garath who opted himself to the chair.

“Aera...” Father Herosae summoned. Nodding, her eyes fixed to him. “I've been needing to ask you this for a while now. After tonight, my work is still not complete... But I would very much wish to retreat with my family, this includes you of course, to an evening at your restaurant and...”

“Oh,” Aera interupted. “Sir, please, it's not really functional yet. The place is still in shambles.”

“I am aware.”

“I'm really grateful though,” Rising her head, continuing “That you could prioritize it in the repairs but it will take a while until their done.”

“Not an issue my dear.” Dalbah assured. “I don't need anything fancy, just the people I care for. Whenever it's functional in the least would you mind reserving a private table?”

“Yes, certainly. As soon as I can.”

“This also includes you as well, Tannor. And to be fair, Garath as well, unless there is another guest in mind.”

Pleasantly, for the first time Garath earnestly gratified, however exhausted mentally. “I'm honoured.” A latent joy soothing his warriors mind.


Blue laminate gloss wisped off the newly stained elderwood upon their fresh afternoon breeze. Doors agape, the bright welcome blew in upon their arrival, a resonant aroma of spring flowers and herb soaked wood to mask the latent varnish. Revived, however scarred, one plated gold dragon turned right side up standing wounded. Three fat red ribbons poorly covering the cracks and one gob of gum sealing the mortal wound in it's jugular. “Please forgive the mess.” Aera called out, showing herself around the corner, dressed formally and menu in hand. “It is the soonest that I could justify.” Dalbah waving her to ease. “Please, make yourself anywhere.”

Making their way, Sarephel, Kaunzi, and Tannor followed in behind the master who's instincts brought him back onto the family reservation. The table by the wall as Sarephel had sat many times prior. “Please tell me you're not working today.” Sarephel begged, her hand open, beckoning sympathetically.

“Your maeuwberry cocktail.” Peeking around her boss, Halana greeted, placing the glass down gently before giving Aera a firm nudge into her seat and stealing the servers menu. “Can I start anyone off with anything?” Retriving her orders, Halana distributed the books, planting Aera's head to remind her of her position; then continued to distribute the rest “You're not working today, sit.”

“All I did was pass you my menu.” Aera complained, watching Halana leave.

“Took him long enough.” Kaunzi lifted her eyes beside the door. “Sis, your boyfriend showed up.”

A darting territorial glare shooting back to meet him. “If you didn't want me here, you could have gave me a memo...” Garath introduced sarcastically, sauntering towards their table. His hands defensively laxed against his chest. Readying himself in the adjacent seat where Tannor resigned himself until Father Herosae retracted his position.

“No, have my seat.” Dalbah insisted, “As I hear, you've kept my daughters safe, Sarephel more than once; you deserve to sit amongst my family.” Garath tried dismissing it, failing to convince his most charismatic modestary. “Besides, I prefer to keep the peace between rivals.” Shifting over to Tannors Table.

“I'm honoured, again...” Garath obliged, awkwardly.

“Oh sit your ass down.” Kaunzi demanded.

“This is a well deserved meal.” Tannor announced, reaching out for his arriving drink. “Trying to make my way to the ground level security station just about ended me...”

“You're welcome.” Garath pipped in.

Turning his diplomatic finger over, Tannor continued. “Someone's direction needed work... I hate to say but I've already celebrated a while back over that one.”

Popping up from behind Garath, Kaunzi contributed toyishly. “From what you told me, you had a latency issue.”

“The halls were hot with enough bogies to break a man. How'd you two fair in the hoard? As I hear it, you two entered the nest.”

“We kicked their asses.”

“Fair.” Taking a sip. “I'm just glad it's over. Any word on the wrap up?”

“Two weeks, that's the estimate. We've evacuated the entire restricted access and we're working to turn the whole place upside down until every last scrap of this mess is purged.”

Displeased, Sarephel began to comment. “It couldn't be that simple though.” Adjusting her seating. “Knowledge is going to be passed on somehow.”

Sourly, Kaunzi nodded. “Not much to be done about that. High up is still trying to deem the punishment of sub floor sixes involvement and the guilt to be placed. As for anyone who caught on early, they could have left to who knows where by now. As for the Employer, PKE eliminated Degraden from that roll. He's still loose somewhere, probably abroad with all that went down.” Leaning her weight into the table, her disgust waned to disregard like an impasse which she slowly set aside. Speaking out from her chin resting clasped fingers, her eyes looking sympathetically back to her sibling. “I hope that's not what's getting you down.”

“Em?” Sarephel responded hazily.

“The Employer.”

Shaking her head slowly, Sarephel's ears curled aside. “No, Degraden...” Slumping down into her seat. “He really did believe that he was the hero... For a moment, I wanted to believe what he said about Great Grandfather Herosae.”

“Perhaps...” Dalbah mentioned. “I'm not sure the events that had transpired when I was a youngen, and before such, It is very well possible that our own blood had betrayed his people. We are by no means saints, we are only people.”

Churning his beverage, “I should hope we are far from turning such as them.” Tannor uttered aloud, a touch of fear lining his uncertain reflection.

“Some times I wonder.” Turning to his family. “The things we might do, for the ones we love... We have mistakes we can make and if we can't make them we cannot learn. -- That is why it is important to guide others... And forgive them. There is much to be learned from someone who has walked a path much different than your own. Perhaps we have blinded ourselves to ignore the truth; not in our ways but in our trust. If we are to forgive merely because we are imperfect; maychance we ignore the reason and lesson, we thus inherit too their mistakes.”

“What's brought on this propheticy?”

“It too unravels me,” Fixing his gaze to Sarephel. “If truth is as he says... Or, if Degraden truly believed his lie. It's brought me to reconsider what I've come to defend tirelessly. Our great legacy... Perhaps there is as much fault the father that is taught as the child is to learn.” Retiring to his server.

“Do we need more time with the menues?” *get Garaths drink*

*disturb teh lesbophob

Upon her departure, Father Herosae continued. “Sarephel... Have you given what I said any thought?”

Nodding briefly

“Then you understand where I come from, I hope.”

Unable to avoid her discomforts, Sarephel nodded again, silently.

“The world you were taught to see is not so black and white, it's time for you to see what the world actually is”

“Wait, what's up?” Aera questioned.

Looking down onto her love's arm, as she caressed the palm “A few days ago...” Her tone bleakly shifting. “Father said it would be good for me to got for a vacation.”

“You've worked hard my dear,” Her father commended. “It is time for you to rest.”

“In a way, I've wanted to go...” Sarephel confessed “There's just too much holding me back at this time. I can't leave now.”

“I'm sure whatever it is can wait for you.”

Perking up “What if I'm still needed and this isn't the end of this whole fiasco?”

“I'm here.” Kaunzi reminded. “You still have your freedom.”

“And Aera.” Saraphel defended. “Divine knows I'm in deep enough with her as it is.”

Butting in, “Wait.” Aera interupted. “Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you have to leave the tower. We could stop off on floor one-eighteen, book a synthetic garden, maybe even a real one with windows out. A vacation for you would be perfect.”

A smile running across one corner lit up the other end as Saraphel nodded. “I'd enjoy that, but... It's not really a stay in vacation.”

Returning his presence back in, homely and soft. “My Father is visiting,” Dalbah informed. “Celro, he's been travelling for a few years since retiring; he's returning to discuss what's happened here so we have a better idea of the situation. After that, I figured it would be best if my daughter were to get a better view of things, with him should he set out again.”

“Daddy, I don't want to leave Aera behind, and she can't exactly leave either. She just got her dream, I can't ask her to abandon it for my sake.”

“I do not think you quite understand. There is plenty of time in both of your lives to return as you are now. While I have this place repaired, it would be a wonderful time to travel.”

“I'm honoured.” Aera gratified. “But I'm not certain if I'm willing to leave either.”

“Fair is fair. For now, Sarephel my dear, I'm resigning you to temporary leave. But I urge you...

Pouting as she closed herself in, arms locked firmly to her shoulders. “It doesn't feel alright to leave right now.”

“Just because you could do something admirable, does not mean that you should be the one to do it. I know the leaving your comforts is frightening, but it is also inspiriting.” Standing to reach across to her, his voice earnest in care “Do not be so ready to fill yourself heart with the first stones that you see.”

“We are still in the mess of cleaning everything up.”

“You are a lot like your old man... You too, burden yourself without question.”

“It's my duty, It's not really a choice anymore. I care too much.”

*describe his gestures

“We all have choices that we can make.” Dalbah announced. “And some of those choices lead us to misery. As long as you hold yourself to this obligation you've made for yourself, alone, I cannot help but worry. I envy you, my girl.” Smiling beyond the tarnish of his fatherly worry. “I am still stuck here, the responsibility of everyone weighing on my knees. I am, a servant to my own work. One day, one of you will take my place, and I pray you can do better than I. So I urge you, while you are young and can still learn, may see the world for what it is; to see from a different point of view than our closed chambers have taught us. Your father can't give you all the answers, go out and see what I have missed, what you are looking for. Find what truly brings you happiness. You'd never know what to look for if you didn't what what you wanted to find. Once we leave our wholy perspective, we can see the things that we never saw before. Once we loose our comforts we can appreciate them instead of clinging to them; when what we do may not only be wrong but may be hurting us, causing our problems... Our uneccessary burdens, our selfish views for the sake of others. I am willing to believe that I am wrong, and like a crab that outgrows it's shell, I too must burn my walls in order to grow. As you've already seen, the PKE on Degraden ultimately revealed my grandfather a fiend. I cannot deny this, but I can live beyond it. You too may need to see the world.” Sarephel waning. “When you are done, if being a guard is what brings you joy, then I will admire your choice. Until then, go and discover what your life means. Do with this as you may... I merely offer you both, the chance to be certain of your path, and not make the same mistakes as our fathers before us. Aera, as I have heard, your family too, has their own share of downfalls. You can take as long as you need”

“Daddy...” Sarephel ushered, a wimper behind her eyes. “I wish that you could come too.”

“I can't change the fact that our people are to be guided better, simply willing it into fruition would be a fools dream. Thus, for our brothers and children, I must remain until the time comes. Wrong as I may be. You are yet to be defined, I cannot bring you to fill a roll that is not meant for you. You are far from a ruler, or a servant while you yourself live as a slave to yourself. It may not feel like it but everything is a choice. I cannot condemn your decisions, only the state of their outcome. Though you may not be meant for either role, you should at least be able to live for your own.” Turning to his third daughter. “Aera... If you find somewhere beyond our walls that you feel is home, I will not hold you here. I would be joyed for you, wherever your home may be.”

Nodding sheepishly, Aera confound her emotions to Sarephel, still stretched over difficult obligations with her tone approached apprehensively, despite her gratitude.

Returning to bother the now settled table, Karelyn brought a picture of iced water that she poured, calling forth the order. “Have we had enough time with the menu?”

“I don't know about everyone else.” Garath announced, sighing coarsely as he adjusted himself to return his booklet. “But I'll have the Odaer on brown, and half the sauce.”

“And everyone else?” Collecting the uncollected consensus that mostly daunted anyone not presently discussing, with the task of being uncomfortably decisive.

Returning cold, the conversation halted. Among the table, sitting eagerly inhibited, the gears cranked to reboot some form of comment on the topic. Between her love, Aera and Sarephel pondered over the idea among themselves before detouring. Garath sitting apart, the cranks visibly grinding internally as a larger more uncomfortable monologue wrapped his mind. Something peculiar erupted along his face, his abnormally unfamiliar posture held him at ease, like a savage denouement closing a series of self corrosive strife. Breaking back in, Garath reissued. “You gonna take your dad up on that offer?” A slight hint of motive underlining his words.

Instinctively quirked, Sarephel pried. “Why do you seems so pleased to know if I leave?”

“You're just... Look...” Awkwardly baffling his adoration with a tenacious insecurity “You are an extraordinarily beautiful woman, and though I know I don't have a chance... I, I just want you to be happy.”

Raising her eyebrow, and her voice “Oh here we go again,” Grabbing Aera privately around the chest, squishing her in. “Read me, I... Am... Not... In-ter-es-ted!” Unconvinced and bothered.

“I mean,” Strongly defending, Garath continued, completely unturned. “In my work, an opportunity to meet a woman doesn't just happen every day, but... I'm willing to wait for that day to happen.”

*Make better conclusion*

Lowering her finger slightly, still offensive. “You really mean it don't you...” Sighing with her head propped, now only calmly annoyed. “You know, you'll always be a pain in the ass for as long as you live.”

“Yeah, I get that.” Admitting embarrassed.

Smirking, her eyes narrowing. “You know, it's kind of attractive to some people,” Her tone sarcastically suductive, subtly shifting serious. “But not my thing. One day.” She chummed.

Bawling tears shot out from the restaurant entrance, the crashing drops of liquid empathy echoing off the bystanders shaken tattered voice. “He deserves better than you!” She exclaimed, heartbroken from their minidrama.

“Yeah he does,” Sarephel shot back collectively calmed. “But I doubt he'll get it.”

“Wow,” Kaunzi astonished, slack jawed. “You're savage, you know that?”

“Ughaa,” Garath moaned, sitting beside himself. “You know what, I hate to say it but you're probably right.” Shamefully admitting with a chuckle aside his misery.

Ravaged, the spectator walked away, furiously cursing. Her heart crumbling unnecessarily on her half baked eaves drop.

“I think that was supposed to be a compliment?” Tannor added, uncertain.

“It was.” Sarephel confessed.

“I hope so.” Garath intersected simultaneously, recollecting himself.

A light tarnish laced his image as Father Herosae torn expression couldn't decide between his shock and humoured. “If not for your manners, I'm pleased that you at least have a sharp wit.”

Returning the atmosphere, Kaunzi inquired lightly. “How long do you suppose Grandfather is going to be here?” The exposed sense of excitement slipping in as she spoke.

“Well, we'll have to see when that time arrives.” Clearing his throat. “There is plenty to discuss, but at least a few days as I will be overseeing the responsibilities of Restricted Accesses' involvement with my Father for guidance over this. Some of these matters have gone beyond my capable judgment. I've often wondered lately, and it may have impaired my vision.” Saddened, his sympathy leaked in, speaking in some self doubt. “I'm starting to believe Jaeramind really did it to make good for everyone, but his actions ill met his heart. Perhaps I am a fool to believe so and he instead was selfish. Perhaps Celro will shine some light upon this when he arrives.”

Evening tides rolled by, clouded waves breaking the starlight. Two stars Twinkled while two more stood still, blinking. The cold dry surface chilled the skin as her eyelids closed. The blurry vision that looked out into the sea shut out with another cloud dimming her balcony. Aera wrapped around, clothed under the outdoor blanket. Sarephel silent. “What do you suppose is out there?”

“I'm not sure.” Sarephel replied. “It doesn't seem so different from here.” Both laying still, the breeze blushing by their cheeks. “Have you thought about it?”

Nodding as she nestled in. Almost melancholy, Aera softly replied almost shy to say. “I might... If... You'd go.”

“There is no guarantee that he's even going. I want to, but I don't really want to plan on something that's uncertain.”

Tucking herself in closer, Aera covered her nose, muffled. “What about just us?” The sound audible beyond words.

“Mmn.” Sarephel hummed. “We could.” Coldly she agreed, a mind of effort resigning elsewhere.

“What's the matter?” Peeking out.

“It's just, what Kaunzi said... It's ringing through. I would love to do nothing, but I can't deny that am still a guard inside. Where I am, it's hard to rest anymore. I couldn't rest when we were romantic, and even when I was in waiting. I mean, with the back road severed, it's mostly a matter of time until most the goons run with their tails between their legs. Things will get better, and that means the guard will be in less demand. I guess I just need to accept that anyway...” “I'm going to have to retire one day, being a guard can't be me only purpose.”

“Me?” Sarcastically pleasing.

“You deserve better than me,” Sarephel uttered. Ashamed, and guilty. “Someone who puts you first. I already failed you when I chose my work.”

“You're work saved me, me and everyone else.”

Gritting her bitter lips, the healing words clinging to a shell of doubt. “He was a mad man, he honestly believed himself until he couldn't prove it any longer. That's what I meant to say earlier, back on the balcony railing. What if I do the same? I'm not invincible, one day I will be arrogant enough to believe the lie I want to live, and dismiss everyone else like a fool.”

“You know better, though.”

“I thought I knew better too... Because I think I already have.”

“Are you going on about not showing up?” Caressing Her loves distant cheek. “I forgave you for that. I have faith in you... For tomorrow. So please, have faith in me.”

*another break appraently*

“I tried asking her again... Kaunzi never did tell me what she saw out there. Whatever it was, it decimated her. The strongest person I know, I never knew something like that could exist...”

----- what if we?

“You're really scared of leaving, aren't you?

A cold tear shedding along Aera's fingers, her love wiped it off with her cheek and nodded.

Morning dawned. It had been a week and a half since that night. A bright cascade of light blaring through the halls into the head office with an endless reflection off deep rich wood. Two familiar faces holding the door as they had long ago, welcoming her passage beyond their watch. Her darling in hand. “It's incredible.” Remarking her clearance. “This is your fathers office?” Rhetorically in awe. A wide slue of coloured light blurring through across the lit cylindrical chamber, with levels higher echoing busy voices. A tall elevator opposite of it's entrance, and two more beside them.

“Me and Kaunzi used to come and bother dad all the time here when we were young.” Crossing the chrome chasm to it's end.

“I never expected it would be so...” Struggling to fix the description. “Exciting here. I always figured it would be quiet and boring.”

“It is.” Sarephel assured, closing the doors. “A little glorified, but essentially yes, very boring.”

Tugging on Sarephel's sleeve. “Come on.” A tone of reclaiming intrigue. “You've been here all your life, don't be such a dampener.”

Opening out it's carrage, the second top floor of the great soaring expanse fed directly into a hallway with the encompassing circular walk adorning a lounge of nodes along a narrow walk. Cream lights and custard carved walls, a calming retreat sprawled across the vacant waiting area. Shallow, the hall passed into a greeting room, counters holding an assortment of comforts and luxuries. A voice ebbing out from an unseen larger room beyond the frosted glass. Meerly shadows dancing beyond with a tall two piece window illuminating from behind. Appearing obliviously still attentive to his pleasing conversation, an older fellow emerged, dark jade cup in hand. A white medium short beard converging spiked downward and medium snow hair with a separate tie of his roof restrained back. His glasses gleamed with his smile, which danced a faint moustache with a grinning remark. His notice shifting to his audience, and darting curiosity to the new face, before returning. “Sarephel.” Returning his vessel beside the brewing station, his arms unfolded. “My dear, you are even more lovely than last I've seen you.”

Returning deeply clasping tightly around his back, her head nested into his shoulders. “Grandpa, I've missed you.”

“As have I.” Rubbing her back. “I'd also assume this is your loved one that I have heard about from your father. She is quite lucky to have a beauty such as yourself, as are you.” Beckoning toward his open arm. Aera, respectfully obliging, felt the warm covenant encompassing with a tender care as though a warm breeze had seeped in around her. “I'm so proud of you.” Lifting his head from his granddaughter, he patted them gently together. “You've grown so much, and Aera, I look forward to acquainting you into our family. For now, I have to return to business I'm afraid. Dalbah has distracted me a great deal, but we will connect more shortly.” Both girls nodding before he retracted to fill his cup “I am greatful you two dropped by to check up on us, otherwise I would be discussing about Alurah forever. It's treated me well in my passing, very friendly people. I won't bother you two with the bore of my business.” Turning from the door to see them, breaking between a bite of biscuit. “You have packed, yes?”

Confirming her gesture, “Yeah.”

“Are you sure?” A furrow of sympathy breaking in off his face. “You seem uncertain.”

“It's fine.”

“The world is a beautiful place, I assure you. You will love it.” A comforting smile came across her. “We will have time to relax before our train and become better acquainted, just let me know where.”

“Sarephel.” Her father welcomed. “Don't be too offput, I know your grandfather has gotten a little touch friendly.”

“And you've gotten quite reserved boy.” Celro reminded, “Don't be so afraid to rejoice, the world is not so shrewd as we believe.”

“Well,” Pardoning herself. “I'll leave you two to work out the rest.” Sarephel bowed, Aera latently following suit. “I'll let you know where we are when you are finished.”

“If there is somewhere that you love, I would care greatly to treat you there.”

Shimmering contrast broke the rays of pouring hazy sun with the deep shadows along the solar lit station. Still bevelled and chipped, the war reminders made a home in the broken ground and the splintered walls. A voice played muffled by an oncoming train, service returning nominally to the people. One child alone squat down to his heels, running his finger along the wound of the pavement. Not a frown, nor realization of it's devistation; the child simply played and a fantasy began to develop. His mother tugging him to their next destination, her eyes fixed farther in front. Flowers rustled from a travelling breeze that the open passage invited in from outside. Their fragrance serving a pleasant mending to the travesty they actually represented.

The smell mixed with fine air conditioning; a semi synthetic aroma that felt clean, erasing the affliction behind her with a cool atmosphere that invigorated the skin in a wave as Sarephel entered the vessel. Soft chatter met her in pleasant voices, children fantasizing about their travels with their parents and couples discussing their plans. Aera in front, dragging her along, Grandfather Celro in behind. Seating among the commoners, Celro began to continue his excitement anew to his Grand Daughters. Words spilling out uncontrollably about their adventures to come, marvels and customs he came to learn.

“Grandpa, I figured you'd have a closed car.”

“I would have... Yes, but I've come to appreciate to sitting here instead.”

“I mean, it being a long travel and you being an important figure and all.”

“I'm no one, really... A few years ago, I would have indulged in the fine dining and luxuries of my retirement.”

“Do people not recognize you anymore?” Her tone quiet, audibly secretive.

Shaking his head, he replied at ease. “It's not about my status... I'll tell you why, it happened one day when a child was playing in the halls by my cabin. Every time his ball rolled past, the kid was close behind it and his parents impatiently chasing him back to their seat. Every time he slipped away, I smiled a little bit more, thinking about my son.” Adjusting himself. “Really, I missed the people. To sit here and watch their days go by. To wonder about their lives. To see the splendour of youth's ignorance. The things I missed when I shut myself away. Here, I am a person, like any other. What good are my luxuries if I enjoy them alone. If I reserve myself, who then will I accompany? I never did get along with the reserved enough to afford neighbouring cabins, their pride built on fear or arrogance. I much rather a conversation with a stranger, humble enough to greet another stranger... One such instance.” He sidetracked, “A well-to-do man once acquainted my adjacent room, he was quite a pestilent individual to endure. Constant to appeal to a man of higher standing, as if it bettered him to bother me further.”

Returning his stories, their carriage began to reanimate in time, and too the light poured in from their other side. Buildings and stalls passed, glazed in a mid day and their shadow cast farther below and onto the water beneath their suspended railway. Aera, vibrating at the sight from the ground, now captivated gravitation felling her into Sarephel. Her arm warmed with Aera's touch climbing her shoulder. “It's amazing, isn't it?” The weight of her love clinging. Veering her gaze, Sarephel slowly cast her vision off into the wide vast Taelyeer river, gleaming clean water. A vague memory of Eden haze and Manna mist to a trauma only Kaunzi would endure. Now peaceful and serene, sparkling dimples reflecting their shadows tail and the Invictus sun that drew it. The world coming into sight, more potently and vivid. Not a single memory could embody the vulnerability she felt now. Neither the curiosity of her first excursion, nor the ones passing. Though still the same skill and power flowed in her, aimlessly she recaptured the light as not more than a mere civilian. The treeline closed by, a cabin adorning it's side with a large dock and wide decks fell behind the blind of a forest peninsula and the sight vanished.

Her sight now forward, Sarephel looked out to her grandfather who's vision peered among his neighbours. They too returned their eyes from the faded vista into the coach. Growing cinders kindled a tiny joy filling inside her, trying to pat Aera's head down so she could see past the starry eyed child on her lap. Crawling on top, the two sat as one. A young girl had a chuckle out of them, and it too reflected on Celro “So,” Acquiring their attention. “Are you glad you decided to come out?”

“I suppose.” Sarephel replied, overpowered by her girlfriend.

“Yes, thank you so much.” Aera spoke freely.

“You're welcome... I imagine you may need a little while longer to decide though.” Sympathetically smiling though Sarephel's inhibitions. “There is a long road before we arrive in , do try to enjoy the journey as much as you can.” Retreating his tired eyes from the blind of passing woodland. “If you always worry for tomorrow, when will you enjoy it when tomorrow becomes today. Many things will pass you by, while you can still see between them, you may find the vermilion among the field. If you bore away, the wood will have become a blur. The glimmer lost to the dirt like rubble.” His words bouncing off distracted ears. A wide pasture frolicking before him, his foals captivated to their own fields. The green swayed in the breeze and the glimmer danced without blinking. Gazing out with her love, Sarephel's sight shared the bliss that emanated from Aera. A spark of youth gleaming back to the old man. Though her body aged and jaded, she seemed more of a woman, now that she resembled a child: A clock rewound back to noon.