Herosae Kitsune Vol 1 - (R) Vulgarity, Violence, Hot Lesbian Sex. That's not a joke. (Volume 1 in "Good Enough" Condition. 70,000 words/vol)
Sci fi, Martial Arts, Action, Mystery, Dis/utopian, Psychological, Spiritual, So much for my Christian audience...
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Volume 2 (under construction) Volume 3 (In planning)
Important! The following content is as "Good enough" Condition, and is not indicitive of it's final result.
A date on it's final state is yet to be determined, but is scheduled after the early release of Volume 2 for sake of continuity.Where have we gone wrong, that a place so perfect should be so close to utter collapse. They came, seeking the value in life, and built an empire by the hand of citizens, spanning centuries of peace. They carved the timbers and chizlled the aquaducts, and planted the Sourines to the plalu lillies. It was a mighty nation, built atop itself to reach the heavens themselves, Herosae... And it's people, the Aeromin'd, the folk of flesh and fur from elden legend and lore, in a world of techinology that could inundate our
It has been eighty years since Celro Herosae opened the path to expand our dreams beyond where they were once thought at their limit, but an eager man can bring forth many wonders.They called him Father, and they, his kin. Generations have past, but the seeds of the yesterday have finally made root. The reality, of a dream, which would send the future into ruin.
Sarephel, cast into a role she admired would soon discover the reality from the dream, where the cause differs from the fate, and young fools become old wisemen the hard way. Skilled from training to combat, her skills rival even those of the elite warriors of their world, though not yet fully uncovered. From the back walls to the front lines, chasing the golden dragon of hope. She, the few to have seen the darker gaze of blind ambition, may be the only hope to stop the cycle of madness. Given time.
The following is the complete archive collection of "Herosae Kitsune" If you wish to read it anyway, please start at the introduction or return to a previously read chapter
Introduction: Chapter 0 Start here Chapter 1 - Herosae Tower Chapter 2 - Company Chapter 3 - The Breakup Chapter 4 - Crunch Time Chapter 5 - Protocol Thirty Three Chapter 6 - Following the Fuse Chapter 7 - Can of Worms Chapter 8 - Sisters Chapter 9 - Reunion of the Revenants Chapter 10 - Home Chapter 11 - Persuit Chapter 12 - Crisis Chapter 13 - Closing