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Unwritten Stories: Baby Genious and Gangster Granny

If you thought the last one was stupid, you ain't got nothing on this... I'm starting to think that I had a satire period in my life...

Born out of a lot of dumb ideas and shenanagines, from when my head was a lot less stable, and things were a lot more funny to me. One was of a baby genius, popped out of the womb, and instantly knew how to talk, walk, and do mathematics. I considered it like a heist movie kind of setup, where the baby would pilot a human shaped mech. One day a cop kicks the lady in the gut, and out pops the baby who crawls back inside. Real dumb shit... But it got me thinking... Evolve it: Baby drug lord, gang leader, carrying downsized solid silver deagle, with a cigar in his mouth. Real absurd stuff... Then, imagine granny, separate idea, no one expects grandma to be a gangster. Sweet old lady, popacapinyoass plot twist, imagine her talking new age and stuff, all caught up with the times. White hair, making cookies, cookies with guns and drugs... Then one day, it came to me... Fucking smash those ideas together, weld it together, make it one. Baby Genius... and Gangster Granny...

I’m not writing it so have fun, go make it yourself.