You see that side bar? Spoiler... They're not actually coming. Something else will take their place, one day.
Pardon the simplicity of some of these titles, as it usually takes me like 6 months to a few years to come up with a fitting name for any of these. Many were not even given titles, such as ones that were very short so I kinda had to give them one on the spot for listing purposes... You know, lest I Llanfairpwll, “...White hazel near the rapid whirlpool of llantysilio of the red cave” Them, like that one town name.
It’s amazing how much a person’s life changes, what causes it, or even what things we take from previous works and give new life. I made a few stories, hoping that in 5 years, I could look back on it and see how much I changed as a person... It worked. It’s been going for a lot longer, and now I’m terrified. I think it’s a good exercise though, to see where we’ve been and where we came from. There are so many things I’ve learned from this whole process, about the origins of most my modern writing where for a long time... I completely forgot why I think in the pattern that I do.
It is important to note, that a long time ago, when many of these were made, that I used to physically act out the stories and characters. It was a nightly/morning activity when I had time off, and wanted to create something because it was a heck of a lot easier than writing it down. Naturally a lot of details are missing, and I can’t remember every single reason someone did something. Some times there really was no reason at all. Did any of this cause me to get schizophrenia? If it didn’t, it sure helped.
I’m not sure the exact order of these, chronologically, but I put it together the best that I could. Anything after Cathoris’s Legacy, I can safely remember, as it was the story that solidified there being an actual storyline, and before then was just childs play. There is the exclusion of a few stories that I might either touch on later, or actually work on... And a few are excluded as they were just frameworks without an actual content to it; as well as dreams that I would have, but never actually worked on. Some are from prompts, ideas that I thought were cool, others are inspired by my dreams hence Dreamwalker. There is also two stories I can actually remember that predate Cathoris’s Legacy, that had some semblance of form but they were uninspired, and mock parody of unoriginal content. Cathoris’s Legacy technically also had a lot of fan fiction and crossover but it stopped very early and arguably, before any real plot was laid down outside the premise, it was left completely original concepts. This is the golden start of my journey as a writer, from going from screwing around, to founding something I could call my own.