A small write up:
Ideas, artworks, and concepts which have become inundated.
It's a thought that I've always had, when a story is finished, or a show is made... People like knowing more, but authors seem so tight lipped, or have merely set it aside for the next project. There are interviews, DVD extras, commentaries, sure... If you want to buy it separately, pay walls and other things or waiting on their social media accounts for some juicy details to slip. FRICK THAT. Find it here. It's not everything, and that's more a fault of not being able to think of every interesting tid bit but if I think of something interesting it'll pretty much go here.

All the stories that never made it
Ever wondered what works an author never released? I'm just another guy, but I've always been working. Some date back to age 13, most are Post-University. Have a look at the concepts that got scrapped and the ones that were given new life in your favourite new work.

This is the place to find all the April First Joke Edition Chapters.
We got Drunken Russian Vodka Adventure, we got... Um... Actually that's about all we got so far... But this is where you'll find it!

General depository for all artworks related to my stories and other projects.

A book of lore, and description for their world
From the creation, to the society, their upbring, political views, world relations, geographical descriptions, artworks, concepts, and diagrahms of tower layouts