Nephesh Truth Ultimatum (14+) - Vulgarity, Depressing Themes... I think I'm under quota for cussing (Episodic, Released Monthly)
Fantasy, Comedy, Slice of Life, Spiritual, Action, Philosophical... If you think about it, it's not really magic. (And apparently horror...)
I've asked myself many times, if that which I have seen is myth or if in time, we have forgotten these natural enigmas. When sight meets feeling, and the unexplainable makes more sense than the dribble of modern society... How long, until this light leaves our eyes forever, and we become no more than the mortar of stones sunk beneath the sand.
If you have ever asked yourself why we only notice things when we stumble, or have ever wondered "Why is it so odd that time moves so smoothly... And instances are misplaced." When chaos mets calm, and your conciousness recalls the other side of a mirrors gaze. When something obscure feels too natural and the blinds of eyes make a silence of our own primordial voice. What then?
Aaron, Zachery, and Sophie, three outcasts who have witnessed the cracks of the world's facade have banded together in search of the truth, where blissful is the scent of ichor and birth, and to travel that which the sun goes when it sets. Though it's glimmering prospect seems a pleasant gaze, it is frank to say that which dreams foster also lays deep beneath the overburden of tragidy. In this psychological adventure into ones own depths to uncover things we wished we had forgotten... Somehow, I still have to convince you this is a comedy... O' the stumbling blocks ahead of these poor, unexpecting, idiots. Oh yes, what irony. Like my head, on my pillow, where it fucking belongs at 2am.
The following is the episodic archive collection of "Nephesh Truth Ultimatum" (Updated at the beginning of every month)
Dispite what you are about to read, I was sober when I wrote it. Hard to believe, ain't it...
This was a work originally made as a litterary break from the intensive writting I was doing at the time, only for it to turn into the most intensive writting project to date. That said, expect it to be laymens, and at best, attempting to be funny. It's a serious work, but if I left you without at least some form of menial entertainment, I feel I would be robbing you of your time. So, laugh damn you, or I'll start releasing this twice a month instead of one a month just to spite you.
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